Sexual Health Screening
Browns Pharmacy works in partnership with CityDoc, providing a private sexual healthcare service across Birmingham and Solihull.
Our confidential sexual health service allows you to seek the advice you need!
Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are common, many without symptoms.
In 2018, there were 447,694 new diagnoses of STIs made at sexual health services in England, a 5% increase since 2017 when 422,147 new STI diagnoses were made. Of these, the most commonly diagnosed STIs were:
- chlamydia (49% of all new diagnoses)
- first episode genital warts (13%)
- gonorrhoea (13%)
- first episode genital herpes (8%)
For more details visit City Doc - Solihull
Our services include:
- HIV Duo Test from 28 days �110
- Early HIV Test from 10 days �260
- Instant Result HIV test from 28 days �110
- Fast Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Test from 14 days �150
- Early 10 Day HIV Test plus Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Screen �350
- Blood test for HIV, Hep B/C and Syphilis. Urine test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea �320
- Blood test for HIV, Hep B/C, Syphilis and Herpes. Urine test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea �410